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Own a masterpiece, found nowhere else

Our customers acquire statues for many reasons, some for worship and some as works of art that celebrate Chinese mythology, literature and philosophy.

We ship internationally via

Three looks to suit every home & altar

We can craft statues in any 1 of 3 finishes, depending on your preference.

1. Classic finish

This is the complete look that expresses all the aspects of the craft.

It features intricate relief motifs, life-like painted facial features, and a gilded finish complemented by robust primary colours.

Daoist statue - Mazu (Classic finish)-min.jpg
Daoist statue - Xuan Wu (Classic finish)-min_edited.jpg

2. Ash finish

This finish highlights the intricate charm of the relief motifs made from holy joss stick ashes.

An early Qing Dynasty craft technique, Qi Xian (thread sculpture / 漆线) involves the twirling and coiling of fine thread made with a secret family recipe from joss stick ash. After incense smoke carries one's prayers up to the gods, the ash that drops is collected to make the clothes of those very gods, in a beautiful cycle of virtue.

Daoist statue - Earth finish 1-min.jpg
Daoist statue - Earth finish 2-min.jpg

3. Wood finish

This features a cleaner Zen aesthetic where one or more parts of the statue with key symbolism relating to the deity’s origin story are gilded, to serve as a visual contrast and focal point.


Acquire a statue

Please fill up the acquisition form below. Thereafter, we will contact you via email or Whatsapp with a quotation.

Not sure what statue to acquire? Email us and we'll be happy to advise.

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Do you want us to consecrate the statue?

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